Whether you have a small apartment or plenty of space, it seems like we are all short on storage. Kitchens get cluttered, closets get packed full, and bathrooms get filled with products. Here are nine great space MAKING storage solutions….
1. Wall mounted desks are a great way to have space when you need it and fold it away when you don’t. You could try this one from Ikea for only $39.99! There are also similar options that can store items and be closed up so you can hide the clutter! A great solution for stashing your mail, keys, tablets, cords and more.
2. Add a shelf to the floor of your closet This will let you store shoes both inside and on top of the shelf. You can also add some baskets for a clean and organized closet.
3. Maybe you have space next to your fridge for this ingenious spice rack. Think of the added cabinet space! Find the DIY instructions here.
4. Use a simple hardware store peg board for easy kitchen storage.
5. Take advantage of the your cabinet doors by adding a magazine holder on the inside to hold extra bathroom or kitchen items.
6. Do you have a great shoe collection? Try one of these DIYs
7. Keep your counters clutter free with this decorative mason jar holder. Try it in the kitchen too if you are short on drawer space!
8. Have a studio? Try this functional room divider to break up the space and add tons of storage.
9. Use your corners! Here is a great way to decorate an often under utilized space. Works great in a bathroom or living room.
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