Tax Time for Renters
Requesting a Rent Certificate
Get a head start on your tax preparation for 2020 and request your rent certificate now!
A rent certificate is a form that your landlord gives you that certifies you paid a certain amount of rent for the given tax year. It is used to apply for the Wisconsin state renter’s credit. Not everyone will qualify for this credit or need a rent certificate, but T.R. McKenzie can make it easy for you if you need it.
Visit this link and fill out the form. This information will be sent to our main office and they will send you a rent certificate. You can also find this request form on our website by going to the “RESIDENTS” menu at the top of our home page, then scroll down and click “Rent Certificate.” The closer we get to tax day (April 15) the more requests we get – so get your request in now to expedite the process!
Helpful Resources
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Website: https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Individuals/homestead.aspx
Disclaimer: We are not tax experts. Please consult with your personal tax preparer with any questions regarding whether you qualify for this credit